Norman Y Mineta San Jose Intl Airport

Driving Directions

Norman Y Mineta San Jose Intl Annual Airport Traffic Information

Rank: 41
Take-Offs and Landings
In 2015: 4,822,480
In 2014: 4,621,003
In 2013: 4,315,839
In 2012: 4,077,654
In 2011: 4,108,006
In 2010: 4,056,167
In 2009: 4,103,834
In 2008: 4,780,264
In 2007: 5,255,257
Percent Change
2014 to 2015: 4.36%

Norman Y Mineta San Jose Intl AIRPORT FAA Flight Delay Information

San Jose International Airport (SJC) Real-time Status
The status information provided on this site indicates general airport conditions; it is not flight-specific.  Check with your airline to determine if your flight is affected.
Delays by Destination:  No destination-specific delays are being reported.
General Departure Delays: Traffic is experiencing gate hold and taxi delays lasting 15 minutes or less.
General Arrival Delays: Arrival traffic is experiencing airborne delays of 15 minutes or less.