
by the BBB

Intelius is rated
A+ by the BBB

Background Check Service

Access Background Checks, Contact Information, Addresses, Criminal & Traffic Records, Phone Numbers, Social Media, Photos, Assets, and Much More!

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Being informed matters

At Intelius, we aim to keep you informed. Since being founded in 2003, we have continued to offer one of the most reliable places to search for people, telephone numbers, addresses, background checks, and more.

Find people with quick results

Whether you want to reunite with your college roommate or learn more about the person your daughter is dating, Intelius is your go-to resource for finding people. We are continuously updating our people search engine in an effort to provide you with relevant and robust information.

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Quickly get the information you need, and be empowered to make the right decisions to stay safe.

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All searches are private and confidential. The search subject will not be notified you searched for them.



We search millions of available public records in our aim to provide the best information online.

Satisfy your curiosity with our detailed reports

With Intelius, it’s easy to find the information you need. Just enter a name, address, or phone number, and you’ll get results quickly. No matter what information you are trying to find, Intelius will help you get the answers. Start searching today, and discover for yourself why millions of people use Intelius each month as their resource to stay informed about the ones in their life.

Why choose Intelius

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The Premier People Search Tool

In just a few clicks, our proprietary data search engine can provide you with report results aggregated from one of the broadest range of data sources in the industry. Whether you are looking for a long-lost friend, need to know who keeps calling you, or have a hunch about someone and want to learn more, Intelius empowers you with the information you need — because being informed matters.